
At DM Buck Advisory, we help business owners think more constructively about their valuations.

We provide Atlanta business valuations and appraisals, stronger messaging with investors, or, through our partnership with NAVIX Consultants, a working roadmap towards a more efficient and successful ownership exit.
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Business Valuations

Do you need a current estimate of your business’ value?  We can provide valuations using a variety of valuation methods… which, in turn, are reconciled for what’s most appropriate for the particulars of your business.

Selling Your Business

Are you ready to sell your business? Whether you intend to sell to a strategic buyer, already have a strategic buyer in mind, or would rather conduct a sales process, DM Buck can help negotiate and help structure the best deal for you.

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NAVIX Exit Planning

As NAVIX Consultants, we help business owners plan for and achieve an exit strategy, defined in their own terms, and resulting in financial freedom and sustainable business legacies.

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Finance Strategy

Do you feel that current and future investors don’t fully understand your business? We can help you craft a more powerful and accurate message so investors can better understand the dynamics and potential of your enterprise.

Do you know the 3 Essential Questions every Business Owner should know?

  • What is the approximate worth of my firm?
  • What do I need from a future sale to be financially set?
  • What steps should I take to improve an Exit's outcome?
If you don't know the answers to these questions, please call us at (404) 547-4973 or click here to contact us; we'll be happy to provide a complimentary exit readiness assessment answering these 3 questions.